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Dear Colleagues,

We are about to embark on an incredible new journey that builds on our achievements and prepares us for an even more exciting future.

When I first joined Swire Coca-Cola in 2016, we had just begun our growth story and today we have grown to become the world's 5th largest bottler. This remarkable achievement would not have been possible without our relentless pursuit of excellence and our incredible people.

As we become a truly global business, we can leverage our scale and operational footprint like never before. Our industry is going through a revolution of change, which will fundamentally impact the way we do business. This gives us an opportunity to prepare for our next phase of growth whilst staying true to who we are; ensuring we serve as constant and true advocates for our people, our partners, our community, and our planet.

To achieve this, we have developed Polaris, a fresh, powerful 10-year strategy, crafted by many of us in the best interests of all of us. Polaris sets ambitious, unifying goals to bring us together and give us a common purpose. The new targets signify our capabilities and strengths, highlighting the opportunities that we can unlock on a local, regional, and global level.

10 years is not the distant future. It will be here before we know it. Let's get ready to win!

Karen So

Managing Director

Our 10-Year Ambition


Polaris powers our people and our purpose to excel. It helps us tap into a constellation of opportunities.

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Why Polaris

Our focus for a winning decade

We work in an industry that never stops refreshing itself. It sparkles, it bubbles, it fizzes.
Change comes fast.

In our day jobs, we problem-solve; we get things done.

But we also need to look forward, towards the future. Because, if we don’t understand where the business is heading, it becomes much harder for us to steer it towards success, especially when you think how far we’ve come and what we have before us.

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As a group we want to...

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As a group we want to...

#1 NARTD player in each market
2x our 2022 revenue
3x our 2022 profitability

Polaris in-depth

Five pillars in our framework.

Our Global Strategic Review Committee identified five strategic pillars of Polaris to allow each of our markets to map out their local strategies, tailored to their unique characteristics, individual strengths, and opportunities for growth.

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Progressive People Development

The development of our people is the development of our business. We want to build a workplace of the future – and we do so by prioritising our employees as our biggest asset as we embark on the next decade of growth.

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Portfolio of Leading Brands

We protect and grow our core as we build a consumer-centric portfolio for every occasion. Sparkling is the core engine running the business, now and in the future. We are committed to fuelling it with dedicated resources and strategic focus it needs to thrive.

In tandem, we will steadily build a future-oriented portfolio of Stills that will support long-term success.

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Differentiating Commercial Competencies

We continuously excel in the market by evolving our capabilities ahead of our competitors.

Our RGM strategies are supported by integrated tools and capabilities that provide predictable, long-term revenue growth.

We embrace eB2B and eB2C opportunities while protecting the integrity of our RTM, our customer service across all channels, and our data.

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Market Speed and Agility

We embrace the spirit of One System.

Our stable-end optimises productivity via advanced and standardised processes, systems and digital tools.

As a service-centric organisation, agility is at the heart of our business. Our dynamic front-end enables rapid deployment of resources to adapt to changing market dynamics.

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Sustainability Ownership

Our SD2030 targets are integrated into our business plans and allocated the resources required to achieve them.

Every single Swire Coca-Cola employee understands our SD 2030 goals, and is empowered and incentivised to contribute to our achievement of them.

Polaris: Our Global Strategy

At its core, Polaris is about empowering all of our markets to build the Swire Coca-Cola business of the future. It will map out the actions we need to take to deliver the next decade of success whilst we meet our challenges head-on.

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The Strategic Framework Process

Phase I (Aug. ’22 – Apr. ’23)

Situational Review

Through multiple strategic discussion workshops, we aligned on strategic issues that must be addressed, globally and regionally.

Phase II (Apr. – Jun. ’23)

Strategy Development

We set goals and evaluated alternatives to establish the strategic approach for how we will succeed.

Phase III (Oct. – Dec. ’23)

Business Readiness Assessment

We reviewed and decided on the appropriateness of our structure, systems and processes, competencies and skills, culture, and the way we work to deliver the strategy.

Phase IV (Jan 2024 onwards)

Implementation Planning

We developed communication and implementation plans and governance frameworks to deliver against objectives.

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The Strategic Framework Process

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Phase I (Aug. ’22 – Apr. ’23)

Situational Review

Through multiple strategic discussion workshops, we aligned on strategic issues that must be addressed, globally and regionally.
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Phase II (Apr. – Jun. ’23)

Strategy Development

We set goals and evaluated alternatives to establish the strategic approach for how we will succeed.
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Phase III (Oct. – Dec. ’23)

Business Readiness Assessment

We reviewed and decided on the appropriateness of our structure, systems and processes, competencies and skills, culture, and the way we work to deliver the strategy.
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Phase IV (Jan 2024 onwards)

Implementation Planning

We developed communication and implementation plans and governance frameworks to deliver against objectives.

Polaris Guidebook

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Version 1.0

We have prepared the Polaris Guidebook for our operational leaders. This document outlines our strategic approach to achieving Polaris and our goals.